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(Click on links below for full news and reviews)

CADOS (Chingford Amateur Dramatic and Operatic Society) performed at the Waltham Forest Festival of Theatre an adaptation of Cheek to Cheek from my book Kisses from the Sun. CLICK HERE FOR FULL REVIEW BELOW

  • December 2024: In May 2023 there was an xciting theatre production by Chingford Theatre Group CADOS of plays, included 'Cheek to Cheek' taken from Kisses from the Sun! It was a successful and fun evening of talent and new writing. NB. Cheek to Cheek has now been nominated by CADA to appear in the Walthamstow Drama Festival in March 2024.

CADOS perform at the Waltham Forest Festival of Theatre

I was delighted that the Chingford Amateur Dramatic and Operatic Society (CADOS) performed an adaptation of 'Cheek to Cheek' on Friday 22nd March at the Forest Community Theatre; I was there in attendance along with my wife and grandson. The play was chosen by CADOS as their entry into the 41st Waltham Forest Festival of Theatre and a round of the All England Theatre Festival competition.


It was an entertaining evening with two plays; 'Goldfish Girl' written by the well known dramatist Peter Souter was up first; well acted and broaching a serious topic - followed by the light hearted and romantic adaptation of Cheek to Cheek!


Certainly Cheek to Cheek had the audience chuckling (in all the right places!) The script, written by Marcus Scroop, was faithful to the original story but with the addition of  comedic elements and with the titular song of the Hollywood film, of course, which suited the stage production whilst not losing sight of the poignancy and romantic premise of the story; that of a shy unconfident man growing in stature - on the basis that he purchases, and then later uses with growing confidence, Fred Astaire's shoes from a junk shop. Buying them from a young woman (Mary, played by Rachel Hogg with verve)  he falls in love with her which leads up to a satisfactorily romantic conclusion culminating in a lovely dance together (all dance routines were choregraphed by Lesley Ashworth) Ken being taught at the well known(!) Tooting School of Dance by Miss Martin (displaying exasperation with her pupils as well as enthusiasm), played with sparkle by Tina Slade.


The adjudicator Martin Parr had positive things to say about the play, from the sound (Susan Menge), stage (John White) right through to the acting and direction (Tom Adlam) whilst using his expertise and experience to highlight elements to improve upon when performed in future.


I, and I believe the rest of the audience, found it a thoroughly entertaining piece with, apart from those I have mentioned above:  Daniel Baker transforming Ken from a shy bumbler to a confident romancer by the end;  David Pinnell playing Mary's father as loving and with a touch of humorous craftiness about him; Lilly (Carol Mills), Ken's mother, spurring him on to greater things whilst in her death throes; and the dance school students, Emma Mayne, Yasemin Inanli, Ros Zalicks comedic as well as rhythmic. At the forefront was the very funny Marjorie (Lesley Ashworth) instantly infatuated with Ken, doe-eyed and sidling until shooed away by Miss Martin.


The evening was a success and the play was also awarded the Vi Gostling New Writing Award and the Romeril Award for third team.


I would like to thank CADOS for producing the play.







Ten Green Jotters new anthology

The Sidcup (Kent) based writing group 'Ten Green Jotters' third anthology of stories is now completed and available on Amazon. This group, of which I am a member, was formed in 2018 following a meeting of minds, interests and friendship at a six month creative writing course that year. It has proved to be enduring and the varied life experiences of all the members has led to an eclectic and exciting range of stories produced over three  anthologies: Fractured Times

Literary AllShorts  and All Shorts of Crime.


The new anthology is based around the concept of Time...expect to find ghost stories, time travel, science fiction alongside nostalgia, romance and humour. One thing missing at the moment is a title!

Theatre production of Cheek to Cheek

An interesting and exciting dramatic production took place at Mornington Hall, Chingford from Wednesday 10th May to Saturday 13th May! 


An evening of eight short plays in a single evening gave new writers and directors the opportunity to showcase their talents. 


One of the plays was adapted by Marcus Scroop from the short story 'Cheek to Cheek' taken from my book Kisses from the Sun. With tap dancers and music it was a fun and romantic piece and under his direction the cast performed wonderfully, with a comedic element introduced and a lovely romantic dance to conclude  - to the music of the eponymous song sung by the elegant Fred Astaire naturally!


The whole production - Creative Streak - was by the popular CADOS, the Chingford Amateur Dramatic and Operatic Society; having attended on the final evening I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed all of the plays performed, which ranged from tragedy to farce (intentional!) and each was well acted and directed with excellent back and front stage support by a company that, I believe, has been in existence in one form or another since around 1945.  


For further productions by this welcoming group here is link to the CADOS web site: 

 What's on? | CADOS | Chingford Theatre Group


Cheek to Cheek play from the short story by C.G. Harris
Cheek to Cheek play adapted from the short story by C.G.Harris

“‘You can stay in this world, this world you love, as long as you want, as long as you keep thinking of new stories...’” From 'Fan Girl' by Rainbow Rowell

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